File Path (root/admin/header-ads.php)



Containing and Not-Containing

"Containing" and "not-containing" are terms often used in search filters or queries to specify criteria for including or excluding certain items from a dataset or search results. When applied to text-based searches, "containing" refers to items that include a specific term or phrase, while "not-containing" refers to items that do not include the specified term or phrase. These criteria help users narrow down search results or filter datasets based on specific requirements or preferences. For example, in a search for emails, specifying "containing: urgent" would return only emails that contain the word "urgent," while specifying "not-containing: spam" would exclude emails that contain the word "spam." Overall, the "containing" and "not-containing" criteria are valuable tools for refining searches and efficiently locating relevant information within large datasets or document collections.

File Path (root/admin/footer-ads.php)

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