File Path (root/admin/header-ads.php)

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Dummy Image Generator

A dummy image generator is a tool or software application that automatically generates placeholder images to be used in design mockups, website prototypes, or placeholders for visual content during development. These tools create images with predefined dimensions, typically filled with random or patterned content, such as solid colors, gradients, or abstract shapes. Dummy image generators help designers and developers visualize the layout and structure of a design without needing real content, allowing them to focus on layout, spacing, and other design elements. Additionally, dummy image generators may offer customization options such as image size, color schemes, and text overlays to tailor the placeholder images to specific project requirements. Overall, dummy image generators are valuable tools for streamlining the design and development process, enabling rapid prototyping and iteration without the need for real content.

File Path (root/admin/footer-ads.php)

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