File Path (root/admin/header-ads.php)

URL Encoder/Decoder

URL Encoder/Decoder

A URL Encoder/Decoder is a tool used to convert URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) between their encoded and decoded forms. URLs may contain special characters, such as spaces, punctuation marks, or non-ASCII characters, which need to be encoded for transmission over the internet. Encoding replaces these characters with percent-encoded representations, making the URL safe for use in web addresses. Decoding reverses this process, converting percent-encoded characters back into their original form. The URL Encoder/Decoder tool facilitates this conversion, allowing users to encode or decode URLs as needed for various web-related tasks, such as constructing links, parsing query strings, or handling data in web applications. Overall, the URL Encoder/Decoder is a valuable tool for ensuring proper formatting and handling of URLs in web development and internet communication.

File Path (root/admin/footer-ads.php)

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